Join us online Dec. 7, 4:30pm

Challenging the Norms:
Antisemitism in Education Today

We have assembled a diverse panel
to answer your questions


Our Vision: Completely inclusive Social Justice Education such that no learner, educator, family, caregiver or community member is silenced or marginalized.

What we believe:

  • Human rights, anti-racism and anti-oppression principles are the foundation of Equity Diversity and Inclusion programs that must be extended to all identifiable groups in accordance with Canadian human rights codes, laws and values;
  • Today’s increasing polarization can and should be addressed by enhancing social justice education to ensure it is completely inclusive;
  • Training on how to have difficult conversations in order to decrease divisiveness and politicization in workplaces and classrooms is essential.

What we do: 

  • Provide educational programs and resources for all staff and students at all levels of the education system, and for any interested organizations or workplaces in the public or private sector; 
  • Adhere to inclusive anti-racist, anti-oppression, diversity, equity and inclusive education principles; and 
  • Pay careful attention to systemic oppression, to the intersection of oppressions and to human rights principles.

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